
The thing was,they were both very impressed with how pretty and sexy I was as a girl. I said, "Well it was only this one time, I am sure no one will care."One day about a month later Lisa called me up and said, "Hey, googleyour name." Why?" I asked. Just do it she said. Well I googled Tim Masters andgot a low response, mostly for my programming work. I said, "Yeah, sowhat, there are only 3 hits for me." Oh, sorry," she said, "I meant your girl name."So I google Tina Harris and I come up with about 500,000 thousand hits,all referring to my trannie layout. I was getting a funny feeling andthen checked out the most popular searches on the net. As usual it wasBritney and Angelina and stuff like that, but down at number 500 wasTina Harris. I saw that it was "Transsexual model." I was shocked. Ihad something approaching 200,000 fan sites and a blog about me. I wasspeechless."How did you find this out?"Lisa said, "I was out last night and heard two guys talking about it." Oh. ’ The RSM was remorseless as he quickly moved on trying to bring the evening to an end. He knew Elizabeth and Eric were at their wit’s end. ‘Bring the Doctor forward.’ The moment the guard urged the doctor forward at the point of his khukuri the RSM continued. ‘Our surgeon has informed us your cruelty knew no bounds and you are a disgrace to your profession. We have DVD evidence of your crimes. Do you wish to view and hear the evidence? We believe the bodies in your own little morgue were the result of your callous attitude to life. We will present the evidence if required. How do you plead?’ Disdainfully the doctor looked around the room. ‘Your surgeon dares tell me I am no doctor? He is a surgeon from what third rate Asian university where education is a matter of attending a semester’s lectures. As for cruelty, that’s a figment of the imagination. I…’ Furious but holding his emotions in check the RSM held up his hand and stopped the litany of arrogance. ‘This fool thinks the.
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